Save your cash and finance technology upgrades at below market rates. Only two payments in advance to secure your c-store equipment upgrades.
With Patriot Capital, you are able to finance at below market rates using your equipment as collateral. Patriot Capital also offers a simple one-page application and only 2 months in advance to get started. Keep your cash on hand while making sure you have the latest in convenience store technology.
Gilbarco’s field-proven Encore® 700 S series comes with a familiar ATM-style customer interface, a full range of alternative fuel options, widest real-world operating conditions (-31°F to 158°F) and the industry's most comprehensive warranty.
You’ll benefit from Gilbarco’s global EMV® leadership and experience, including the largest install base of EMV® fueling pay points in North America.
Encore® 700 S gives you field-proven tools to inform, persuade, and motivate your fuel customers to come inside your store and buy higher-margin goods.
Encore® 700 S provides a strong foundation for growth with powerful, future-ready electronics to support your innovation needs, such as mobile payments, loyalty, merchandising and other applications.
Whether you're retrofitting or upgrading dispensers, we offer the best EMV solution for your site.
Included Features
Included Features
Included Features
Included Features
Retailers choose Gilbarco products because of their dependability, reliability, serviceability, capability, and security.
Our Payment Card Industry (PCI) and EMV-certified platform protects your customer data and keeps you safe from chargebacks.
“With Gilbarco, we know our customer transactions are 100% secure.”
Raleigh, NC
Boots on the ground and parts on the truck—that’s the commitment you get when you choose Gilbarco.
"If we have a problem I don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and they’re so willing to listen."
Easton, PA
Gilbarco is the number one supplier of fuel dispensers in the US and is trusted by more brands than any other.
“We buy Gilbarco because they are more reliable for us and for our customers.”
Seattle, WA
Fueling and C-store equipment and technology is Gilbarco’s only business and has been for 155 Years.
“I don’t know what I would’ve done without our partnership with Gilbarco.”
Easton, PA
Our Payment Card Industry (PCI) and EMV-certified platform protects your customer data and keeps you safe from chargebacks.
“With Gilbarco, we know our customer transactions are 100% secure.”
Raleigh, NC
Boots on the ground and parts on the truck—that’s the commitment you get when you choose Gilbarco.
"If we have a problem I don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and they’re so willing to listen."
Easton, PA
Gilbarco is the number one supplier of fuel dispensers in the US and is trusted by more brands than any other.
“We buy Gilbarco because they are more reliable for us and for our customers.”
Seattle, WA
Fueling and C-store equipment and technology is Gilbarco’s only business and has been for 155 Years.
“I don’t know what I would’ve done without our partnership with Gilbarco.”
Easton, PA
Years of Operation
Gilbarco Fueling Positions
EMV-capable CRINDS
Certified Service Contractors
Copyright © Gilbarco Veeder-Root Company.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibited.
7300 W Friendly Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27410, USA